Conflict Checking


  • Disable Conflict Checking For Events With This Many Linked Resources: Prevent conflict checking when there is more than a certain number of linked staff/patients. Setting this to a lower number will improve scheduler performance.
  • Maximum Days to Scan Ahead for Conflicts: Set the number of days in the future for the system to search for conflict alerts when saving a recurring event. Setting this to a lower number will improve scheduler performance.
  • Maximum Number of Conflicts to Display: Set the maximum number of conflicts that will be identified when performing a conflict check. Setting this to a lower number will improve scheduler performance.
  • Set Work Hours: For each day of the week, select the typical start and end time of your agency’s work day. You can also select closed. These times will affect the color coding of the schedule time slots. You can also limit search results per time slot when using the Find Available Appointment feature. The system will limit the results displayed based on the number you select in the "Limit Search Results Per Timeslot". For example, if you select 1, only 1 available opening per time slot will be displayed. Used in conjunction with the Scheduling Priority feature, you can ensure that certain staff are selected for an available appointment.
  • The maximum time in milliseconds for conflict check SP to run: In the new process of performance tuning, the check is on the number of seconds to spend on conflict check instead of the number of records to return. If 100 conflicts return in under 2 secs, then thats fine. If only the first occurrence of a large series could be conflict checked then thats also fine. Both cases will take 2 secs since the performance is based on number of occurrences to test, and not the complexity of a single test.

