Administrative Settings
- Server Path: The location of the main ClinicTracker network Folder
- Autoupdate Path: The location of the AutoUpdate Folder
- Related Documents Path: The location of the Documents Folder
- Link to eForms: Note: This feature requires separate licensing and signature tablet hardware. Check this option to activate the eForms with Signature Capture module.
- Link to Executive Dashboard: Display the Executive Dashboard
- Link to ClinicTracker Mobile: Note: This feature requires separate licensing. Check this option to activate links to ClinicTracker Mobile and the Canvas system for pda/handheld support.
- Link to BillingTracker: Check to enable BillingTracker features.
- Transfirst/TSYS Credit Card Integration: Note: This feature requires separate licensing. Check this option to activate the Credit Card Integration module.
- Display UB-04 Support Fields: If you are planning to support the UB-04 format, choose this option to display UB-04 specific fields throughout the program, such as Type of Admission, Source of Admission, and Patient Status Code. This will also determine if the UB-04 claim format is available within BillingTracker.
- Appointment Reminders: Note: This feature requires separate licensing. Check this option to activate the automated appointment reminder call service.
- Allow Price Override: This will display a new Override Price field on the Appointment tab of Patient Contacts. Any user with the Allow Price Override option enabled on the User Responsibilities tab of their Staff Info record will be allowed to set an override price. If a price is entered at the time of appointment, this will be used instead of any other fee-schedule calculation rules.
- Eligibility Verification: Note: This feature requires separate licensing. Check this option to activate the Insurance Eligibility Verification Service.
- Restrict Financial Access: Should users without BillingTracker access be allowed to see financial information on the Demographic form and Patient Dashboard. This setting will also control whether users without BillingTracker access are allowed to see claim information on the Patient Dashboard.
- Default password for offline Patient Portal user: Enter a default password here or leave blank for random password generation. If there is a password entered in this field, every account created for an offline user will have that password.
- Update all Offline Patient Portal Users to have this new password: Press the sync button and all offline users will have their password updated to the new password entered above. Make sure to save your changes before running this operation
- Default password for online Patient Portal user: Used by the system at the time of manually activating an online Patient Portal account from the Patient Portal Account Setup form.
- Show Diagnosis Details in Patient Portal Appointment History: Select how to display diagnosis information: Diagnosis Code, Diagnosis Description, or Both
- Send a notification to the patient that they have a secure message in their PP inbox: Without this notification users will not realize that they have a message that they need to check on their portal account.
- Enable selective report sharing
- Update all compliance staff assignments on change of staff assignment for a patient
- Display Anticipated Copay Based on Allowed Amount: Generally the anticipated copay/coinsurance will be displayed based on a calculation of the actual amount for a service. Enable this option to instead calculate the copay based on the allowed amount.
- Message Polling Interval (in Minutes): This setting will determine how often the system will poll for new messages or patient check-in alerts.
- Enable Unread Message Indicator: If enabled, each recipient name will include an indication of if they have read the message.
- Send message when Patient Access Permissions change: If enabled, a message will be sent to all administrative users when a staff member's Patient Group or Place of Service permissions are changed.
- Default for Limit Prompt to Specific Staff in Patient Notes: When creating a Patient Note, you can opt to limit the prompting feature based on Staff Type or Staff Assignment.