Licensing Information

Anyone who accesses ClinicTracker needs an active License. Regardless of your license type (Perpetual License or Monthly Rental), you should be aware of these conditions:
  1. You have purchased a certain number of Licenses that are to be assigned only to invidiuals who work for your agency.
  2. You can assign each License to one active user. You can reassign that License to another user if the original user's account has been disabled so they no longer have access to the software.
  3. Each user account is to be assigned to exactly one named individual; you cannot have multiple users share a single license. For example, you are prohibited from creating a generic account for interns, billing staff, or administrators to use conjointly. Aside from violating your Software License Agreement, using one license for multiple users would represent a HIPAA violation.
  4. You can only use the software to process information that comes from your internal operations. You cannot use the software to process the information of any other entity as a service bureau or otherwise.
  5. We reserve the right to implement procedures to prevent unauthorized use or transfer of the Licensed Software, including, but not limited to, additional program coding to the Licensed Software.
  6. You cannot remove identifying marks, copyrights, or other proprietary notices from our software.
  7. You cannot translate, decompile, nor create or attempt to create or discover, by reverse engineering or otherwise, any source code from object code supplied by JAG.
  8. Except as expressly authorized by JAG, you cannot adapt or modify the Licensed Software in any way or use it to create a derivative work.
  9. Any updates, replacements, revisions, enhancements, additions, or conversions to the Licensed Software and any derivative works shall be owned by JAG and considered a part of the Licensed Software subject to this License.
For additional information, please see our Standard Terms and Conditions.