Entering Your Rooms

Save a list of rooms for each of your buildings.

Form Location: Utilities > Maintenance > Room Input

About the Room Input Form

When implementing Clinic Tracker, it is helpful to save a list of rooms for each of your Buildings in the Input form.

The rooms entered here will become resources on the Scheduler.

Functions That Leverage Room Input

  • Scheduling specific Rooms in the Scheduler
  • Assigning a specific Room (office) to a Staff member using the Staff Info form
  • Requiring a Telehealth Link when scheduling specific rooms on the Scheduler
Best Practice: Select the Building from the dropdown. Enter the Room Number and/or the Room Name and then select the Save icon at the top of the page.

Creating a Room

  • Go to Utilities > Maintenance > Room Input.
  • Enter the Room Name.

  • Enter the Room Number.

  • Consider if you want the following settings turned on or off for the Room.

    • Video Conference will make Telehealth session optional or required for this room.

  • Save.


